Client Images

Password required to view images. See instructions at the bottom of the page.


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Instructions for Selecting Proofs

Now that your pictures have been taken, your next step is to review your proofs and choose which images you would like to use as your final images. The password to access your proofs is a string containing your initials and the date the images were taken, in the following format: aammddyyyy, where aa is your initials (in lowercase), mm is the two-digit month (with leading zero, if necessary), dd is the two-digit date (with leading zero, if necessary) and yyyy is the four-digit year the images were taken. Do not share this password unless you want other people selecting your final images for you. To add a proof image to your set of chosen images, just click the star icon under each proof. When you have marked all of your selected proofs, click on the “Submit Proofs” button at the bottom of the page.  You may choose as many proof images as you like, however, if you exceed the number of images included in your package, you will incur additional charges for the extra post-processing work. You will receive a link to a new album containing your final images once the final images are ready. A link to your final images will also be added to your proofs album.  You may share this link with others so that they may see your final images and order prints.  The album containing your final images is not password protected, but others will not be able to find this album on the Memory Foundry website unless you provide them with the link.